
Cause of subfertility

Cause of subfertility

In normal procedures of pregnancy, even one problem can bring difficulties in giving a birth. The causes can be classified into causes from male and female.

Causes from male

Roughly 40% of subfertility couples fail to have a baby due to a cause of male and the semen analysis shows outcomes including aspermia, spermacrasia, decrease of sperm motility, and teratospermia. The fundamental causes of such male subfertility are closed sperm route, sexual dysfunction, abnormal components of sperm, or unknown cause.

Causes from female

About 40% of subfertility couples fail to have a baby due to a cause of female, and the causes of female subfertility are ovulatory disorder, closed fallopian tubes, abnormality in uterine cavity, abnormality in pelvic cavity, abnormal mucus from endocervix and immunologic causes.

  • 40% Ovulatory disorder
  • 50% Abnormality of fallopian tube or pelvis
  • 10% Unknown
Causes from both sides

10% of subfertility couples are derived from causes of both sides.