
Climacterium Clinic


Climacterium is a condition of most of women who have hypofunction of ovary, decrease of female hormone, and physical and mental changes or symptoms in their late 40s. The period when such phenomena appear after menopause is called climacterium. The average age of menopause is 50-52 and the actual age of menopause ranges from about 48 to 55. Not that early period brings early menopause; but being slim or smoking might lead to early menopause because body fat has influence on generation of estrogen. Also a history of hysterectomy can cause dysfunction of vascular system in ovary and finally ovarian deficiency symptom. A set of physical, mental symptoms are called climacteric symptoms. To control the health condition by exercise or diet is important during climacterium. In particular, hormone replacement therapy can be one of good methods since it supplements inefficient hormone, removes climacteric symptoms and prevent osteoporosis and heart diseases. Some women do not try the treatment or quit due to wrong medical information or fears about breast cancer while almost every woman are satisfied with the treatment. It is important to trust ob/gyn doctors, receive consultations and treatment for climacterium, and achieve healthy and energetic life.

Climacteric symptoms
  • Vasomotor flush: skin of face, neck, or chest suddenly turns red and heated. The symptom occurs temporarily for few seconds or minutes. It frequently and severely happens in the night and might rouse the patients from sleep. It can also get worse when a patient feels nervous. When the degree and frequency of flush declines in low temperature, the duration time becomes shorter as well.
  • Flush before and after calimacterium, cold sweat, heart palpitation
  • Failure of memory, insomnia, depression
  • Atrophy of urogenital organs: colpoxerosis, itchy sense, dyspareunia, dysphoria, urinary incontinence, cystitis, sychnuria
    (although the amount of vaginal secretion and elasticity of vagina decrease, active sex life helps maintaining vascular system of vagina and less atrophy of vagina.)
  • Changes of skin tissues: decreased elasticity, dryness, bad makeup, more wrinkles, freckles (inducing osteoporosis, heart diseases)