
What is subfertility?

What is subfertility?

Definition of subfertility

Subfertility is a condition that a couple fails to be pregnant despite of having sex more than a year. When a couple has never been pregnant, it is called primary subfertility, when they have experienced pregnancy, it is subfertility. Subfertility couples have around 15% of married couples and the share is gradually increasing. Increasing ages at marriage and sex life being less frequent are regarded as one of the reasons. If a woman is over 30, and has irregular periods or serious period pain or dyspareunia, it is deemed that subfertility text is required although it has been 6 months. When a woman is over 35, not only natural pregnancy rate, but success rate of artificial insemination or test-tube baby treatment also dramatically falls.

Make healthy body

No one doubts that it is important to maintain healthy habits for healthy pregnancy and birth.
In effect, plenty of studies have proved that several factors of life directly affect pregnancy.
Therefore, having desirable eating habits and exercise to maximize the capacity for become pregnant is as important as the treatment itself for a subfertility couple.

  • Effects that a subfertility couple can expect from maintaining healthy life habits
    • Possibility of natural pregnancy rises.
    • Higher pregnancy rate is predicted even by the same treatment.
    • There is a decline of complications of a mother and fetus involved in pregnancy.
    • A baby born through subfertility treatment gets much healthier.